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  • 天气
  • 2024-09-19 08:56:58
  • 178

英语翻译他感觉非常糟糕,他想出去散步,但是医生不让When he got a little better,the nurse told him to walk in the ***.One day there was nobody in the war。 of flowers in the hospital.那天天气很好,阳光明媚,医院里有许多的花Sam was very happy,He thought it was helpful for him.Half an hour later he w。

。土生土长、特别的、那糟糕的天气使得外出的希望落空了、加入英语。also 也 quick 快 locally born and brought up 土生土长 special 特别的 that horrible weather has destroyed our aspirations of a trip. 那糟糕的天气使得外出的希望落空了。 joining the English club is the best way to improve your oral English. 加入英语俱乐部是提高英语口语的最佳方法。 E。

翻译成英文天气怎么样What`s the date today and what about the weather tomorrow在刮风的日子In a windy day一周的天气预报A week`s weather report从周日到周一From Sunday to Monday穿暖和的衣服Wearing a warm clothes。。.风非常强The wind is strong我感觉很糟糕I feel terrible   。.. I fe。

我没有来,因为这天气是糟糕的 的三种英语翻译 分别是because句型 。我没有来,因为这天气是糟糕的。I didn't come here because the weather was very bad.I didn't come here because of the bad weather.The bad weather stopped me (from) coming here.我没有来 也可以是I didn't show up/turn up/ come

这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。The weather is too bad, makes human don,t want to go out , you might as well do something training at home , or do some sport.

丧的英语翻译gloomy:可以形容天气阴沉幽暗,也可以用来描述前景黯淡或希望渺茫等,在这里它可以用来形容人心情忧郁、沮丧。I'm feeling gloomy.我很郁闷。5、be in…mood 指处于…心情或情绪状态。6、be in dark / bad mood 就指心情糟糕、心情很差。相反,be in good mood 就是心情大好。I'm i。


因为天气糟糕,他决定不去爬山了用英文翻译英文就是:Because of the bad weather,he decided not to climb the mountain.    希望能帮到你