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  • 天气
  • 2024-09-20 00:43:18
  • 392

上=个=月,南方部分地区的天气真是糟糕啊英语 _terrible weather it was 。( How ) terrible weather it was。。。。。。!

英语写作好天气今天天气很好 The Good Weather Today The weather today is fine. It has rained for several days. It’s extremely cold and wet these days. So I c。 糟糕的天气也让我很沮丧,对我产生了负面影响。但是今天当我看到阳光的时候,我很开心,就像阳光照进了我的心里一样。于是我决定出去享受。

。内容如下: 天气真糟糕,每天都是霉雨天气,使得我心情也很坏,很想天气。天气真糟糕,每天都是霉雨天气,使得我心情也很坏,很想天气快点好起来,这样才能去打篮球,很久不运动了,身体都变弱了,天气变化无常。我感冒了。The weather is terrible,every day is cloudy,that makes my mood very bad.I wish the weather can clear up quickly,so that I can play the baseket。

由于糟糕的天气有时你的在机场等上几个小时英语英语怎么写您好 You have to wait several hours at the airport because of the bad weather. 如果我的回答对您有所帮助,望采纳