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虽然天气很糟糕 英语

  • 天气
  • 2024-09-19 23:15:09
  • 204

这=几=天的天气就像我身体一样糟糕。(翻译成英语)The weather of these days was as bad as my body

虽然我家很冷清英文翻译虽然我家很冷清的英文翻译Although my house is very cold[原文]虽然我家很冷清

。内容如下: 天气真糟糕,每天都是霉雨天气,使得我心情也很坏,很想天气。天气真糟糕,每天都是霉雨天气,使得我心情也很坏,很想天气快点好起来,这样才能去打篮球,很久不运动了,身体都变弱了,天气变化无常。我感冒了。The weather is terrible,every day is cloudy,that makes my mood very bad.I wish the weather can clear up quickly,so that I can play the baseket。

糟糕的天气依然有可能造成更多的自然灾害。英语翻译1. Chances are2. what it takes3. what others think

悉尼天气怎么样用英语怎么说悉尼天气怎么样用英语怎么说:How's The Weather in Sydney?天气英语造句如下:1、The weather was perfect.(天气好极了。)2、The weather w。 (天气逐渐好转。)6、Isn't the weather atrocious?(天气不是糟透了吗 ?)7、What blooming awful weather!(多糟糕的天气!)8、The weather here is。

英语翻译中文天气非常糟糕,这点我没没有料到.Which指代整句下两句皆因出乎意料译法同使用了现完成时表示对现情况有影响"The weather is terrible, which has been unexpected to me."" The weather is terrible, which has been to my surprise."【公益慈善翻译团】真诚解答

天气那么糟糕,唯一能做的事就是待在家里 译为英语The weather is terrible,the only thing we can do is staying at home.