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  • 天气
  • 2024-09-19 09:59:34
  • 404

明天天气会怎么样?也许比今天凉爽些。用英文怎么说What’s the weather like tomorrow? Maybe it will be cooler than today。

今天的天气怎么样(英语翻译)What is the weather like today? 或者: How is the weather today?

今天的天气怎么样英文翻译What's the weather like today?

今天外面的天气怎么样英语How‘s the weather today?What's the weather like today?

今天天气怎么样?英语翻译??谢谢what is the weather like today?或how is the weather today?

今天天气很暖和,北京的天气怎么样?,秋天天气凉爽.这3个句子用英语。It is very warm today. What's the weather like in Beijing ? It is cool in autumn.

今天的天气怎么样翻译成英语what's the wheather like today?