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今天天气怎么样? 用英语怎么回答

  • 天气
  • 2024-09-19 09:21:14
  • 406

英语怎么说今天的天气英语作文要用的Today is a fine day.The sun is shining and the wind is blowing gentlely.There is a lot of white cloud in the sky.The temperature is comfortable,so im in a good mood.I hope the weather will be good tomorrow.

今天天气真好 译英文A fine day, isn't it !

今天天气太好了用英语怎么说?what a good day today!

今天天气有雨,用英语怎么说?今天要下雨 It will rain today.今天下雨了 It rains today.今天天气有雨貌似有两个意思,看怎么理解了,翻译类似。

今天的天气真不错?英文怎么翻译what fine weather it is!(标准的) 望采纳,谢谢 一楼的那个错了,day是日子不是天气