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  • 天气
  • 2024-09-20 01:46:14
  • 400

春天英文作文五十字?Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring.Sometimes It rains a lot.Everything has started to change in spring.Look,the trees are turning green.I like spring very much.

常用的英文单词最佳答案100个常用英语单词分类表1. 动物类 (animals) cat猫 pig猪 dog狗 rabbit兔子 mouse老鼠 elephant大象 panda熊猫 tiger老虎 duck鸭子。 afternoon下午 day日 spring春天 summer夏天 fall秋天 winter冬天 yesterday昨天 tomorrow 明天 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期。

我爱春天的英文的作文20个词I love spring. In spring, the weather becomes warmer. We can see green grass and trees everywhere, and beautiful flowers too. It's a very pleasant season.

怎样唱关于天气的英文儿歌天气儿歌适合年龄:小班、中班 天气儿歌(一)春天来,春天来,燕子衔泥柳条摆;春天、春天spring,spring 、spring 、spring夏天来,夏天来,青蛙唱歌荷花开;夏天、夏天summer,summer、summer、summer秋天来,秋天来,农民丰收乐开怀;秋天、秋天autumn,autumn、autumn、autumn冬天到,冬。

翻译英文birds singing on the trees.春天是踏青的好季节。 Spring is the good season of camping.春天是放风筝的好季节。 Spring is the good season of flying kites. 春天的气候是宜人的,没有冬天的寒冷,没有夏天的炎热。Spring has got the fine weather without the hot of summer and the cold of win。